Message of Thanks from Father Nikolas…
Once again, Prophet Elias Church had an outstanding Greek Festival. Glory and thanks be to God Almighty for the beautiful sunny weather He granted to us on all three days of the festival. Our annual Greek Festival is critical in helping us to meet our financial goals for the year. On behalf of myself and our festival chairpersons, Marie Xenos, Anna Georgioudakis and Sandy Kostaras, we would like to thank everyone for their contributions of time, talent and finances, which made our event a success this year.

My sincere thanks go to all the members of the Festival committee for their devotion and sacrificial work. My deep gratitude goes to all our generous sponsors, and donors for their expression of love to the Church of Prophet Elias. And thanks to all the wonderful festivalgoers who came and honored us with their presence. Last but not least, we would like to thank all the many volunteers who dedicated their time and energy. This festival would not be possible without you.

Thank you all! May the Lord our God grant you many blessings in return.
A special "Thank You" to all of our Sponsors:
We appreciate your support!